This framework has been responsible for setting several hundreds of listing appointments in 1 year for me an my agents. Master this framework and you can do the same.

Intro → Motivation → Problem → Preclose → Close + Confirmation

Include Statements of Acknowledgement in between your questions to create a conversion, not an interrogation.


Hey (name) this is __, I’m a local realtor in (area), I'm calling about your property on (street), you got a second?

I was calling to see if you had any plans on buying or selling your home in the future

Yes: →Proceed to Motivation

No: That’s alright (Name), if you ever did buy or sell a home in the future, when

do you think that may be?

(Has Plans)

→Proceed to Motivation

(Has No Plans)

Hail Mary: If I brought you an offer within the next 3 years, would you take a look at it?

Yes: →Proceed to Motivation

No: Politely end the call


Okay great! What are your moving plans?


What's got you moving to (Location)?


What's got you thinking about selling?

Statement of Acknowledgement


What’s stopping you from moving now?


What needs to happen before you end up moving?

Statement of Acknowledgement


So (name) it sounds like if we could (Solve Problem) and (Get Motivation) then that's exactly what you're looking for right?


Perfect (Name), before we make any decisions, let's get together and go over a plan of exactly how we can (Solve Problem) and (Get Motivation), and if it makes financial sense for you we can make a decision from there.

I have time today at 4 or 6, which works better for you?

Confirmation (To Reduce Flake Rate):

(Name), I’ve got you for (Time & Day), I’m going to send you an email confirmation.

What’s a good email for you?

Great, I’m going to send you an email and a text.

(Name), can I count on you to be there at (Time & Day)?

Sounds good, (name). I’ll see you (Time & Day), see you soon

Email Close (Use this if you can’t set an appointment):

(Name), if you ever do make a move, I’d love to help you make that happen. Do

you mind if I stay in touch?

Great, i’m going to send you my email so you have my info, that way you can reach out

to me whenever. What’s a good email for you?

Okay great, i’m going to send you an email with my info, take a look and just reach

out if you ever need anything. Thanks for your time (name)

Video Tutorials:

**How To Set 1-4 Listing Appointments per Day**

**Setting 5 Appointments in 1 Hour**