This framework has been responsible for setting several hundreds of listing appointments in 1 year for me an my agents. Master this framework and you can do the same.

Intro → Problem → Motivation → Preclose → Close + Confirmation

Include Statements of Acknowledgement in between your questions to create a conversion, not an interrogation.


Hey (Name) this is ______ with _____, I was calling about the property on (X) St.

is that still for sale?

Statement of Acknowledgement

Yes: OK great sounds like that's still for sale

No: Yeah I noticed it got taken down


Did your agent give you any feedback on why it didn't sell?


What stopped this home from selling?

Statement of Acknowledgement


Where were you planning to go next once this property sold?


What was your goal when this home went on the Market?


Why even consider selling this property in the first place?

Statement of Acknowledgement


So (name) it sounds like if we could (Solve Problem) and (Get Motivation) then that's exactly what you're looking for right?


Perfect (Name), before we make any decisions, let's get together and go over a plan of exactly how we can (Solve Problem) and (Get Motivation), and if it makes financial sense for you we can make a decision from there.

I have time today at 4 or 6, which works better for you?

Confirmation (To Reduce Flake Rate):

(Name), I’ve got you for (Time & Day), I’m going to send you an email confirmation.

What’s a good email for you?

Great, I’m going to send you an email and a text.

(Name), can I count on you to be there at (Time & Day)?

Sounds good, (name). I’ll see you (Time & Day), see you soon

Video Tutorials:

**How To Set 1-4 Listing Appointments per Day**

**Setting 5 Appointments in 1 Hour**