There are 2 types of objections you can get during the call. 1 in the beginning of the conversation, and 1 at the end.

Early Conversation Objections are a battle of energy. If you can confidently tame the seller trying you buck you off the call, they will give you their problem & motivation.

Late Conversation Objections are additional problems that were not uncovered and addressed on your call. You need to dig out all of the seller’s objections/problems so you can provide a solution to all their problems. Once all the objections/problems are gone, you have a clear shot at the close.

The framework looks like this:

Dig out objection → Handle Objection → Preclose → Close (Repeat until close)


Not for sale (Hail Mary/Last Resort)

If you got an offer on the property would you take a look at it?

→Proceed to Problem & Motivation

Bring me a Buyer (3 ways to handle this)

  1. Yeah (Name), me and my team work with a database full of buyers looking for a home just like yours. Did you get any feedback on why the property hasn't sold?

→Proceed to Problem & Motivation

  1. Hey (Name), Finding a buyer in this market is not difficult. What was your whole plan after this property sold?

→Proceed to Problem & Motivation

  1. OK (Name), what price were you looking for? What were your plans after you got ($X Price)?

→Proceed to Problem & Motivation

Alt: Yeah (Name), I could bring you a buyer but it might not be the offer you were expecting.

And I know your whole goal here is to net the most amount of money right?

→Proceed to Problem & Motivation

Are you just trying to get a Listing?

Yeah (Name), I specialize in getting my listings sold.

While your home sat on the market, me and my team sold 4 homes just like yours.

→Proceed to Problem & Motivation

Talk to my Agent:

Perfect (Name) sounds like that's still for sale

Did you get feedback on why it didn't sell?

→Proceed to Problem & Motivation

Overpriced Seller:

Absolutely (Name) You shouldn't have to sell your home for anything less than what it’s worth.

What exactly did you need $X price for?

→Proceed to Problem & Motivation


Make sure to use Statements of Acknowledgement before responding to the objections to create a conversation and avoid interrogating the seller.

I don’t want to Meet/List (Vague Objection):

What's stopping you from wanting to meet?

What's stopping you from listing your home?

Need to find a Replacement Property:

OK Perfect, What kind of house were you looking for?

What’s the most important aspect you need from your next home?

(Nothing On Market)

(Name), I help clients find off-market properties all the time. If we can get you find a home with (list off the seller’s desired aspects of their next home) then it sounds like you’d still want to make this move, right?

→Proceed to Close

We’re gonna wait until (Lower Rates/Spring Time/After the Holidays/Etc):

(Name) What exactly are you wanting to happen (during the spring time/after the holidays/when rates are lower)?

Okay, so it sounds like you’re wanting to the net the most money for your property, right?

(Apply Urgency)

What would happen if (prices didn’t get better) how would that affect your plans to (Motivation)

Right, and your whole goal here is to net the most amount of money so you can (Motivation), right?

→Proceed to Close

Ex. “Bob, what would happen if interest rates continued to rise? How would that affect your plans to move closer to your family in Texas?

Exactly, and I know how important it is for you to net top dollar so you can put a large downpayment on your next house”

I have an Agent (Same Agent):

(Name) You did the right thing by giving them the opportunity to sell

What would happen if the home sat on the market again without selling?

How would that affect your (motivation)?

Not only that but what would it do to your relationship with your friend?

Yeah (Name), and the last thing you’d want is for you to (not achieve motivation) and ruin that relationship with your friend, right?

→Proceed to Close

Alternate Route

I see (Name), so are you doing your friend/family a favor or are you trying to make

the best financial decision for your family?

So (Name) if we can find a way to keep your friend/family a part of the deal and actually get your home sold this time around, it sounds like that would make complete sense for you right?

→Proceed to Close

Alternate Route

(Name), what is your agent going to do differently this next time around?

Exactly, and your whole goal here is to make sure your property 100% sells for top dollar this next time around, right?

→Proceed to Close

I have an Agent (Different Agent):

Ok Great, How did you find your new agent?

(Statement of Acknowledgement)

Referrals are usually based on a person's friendship with an agent and not necessarily skill.

(Name) I know the last thing you want to do is sit on the market again because you didn't use the most professionally qualified real estate agent.

How would that affect your (Motivation) if the home didn't end up selling?

→Proceed to Close

Commission Objection:

(Defer to Appointment) That's a great question (Name), I know how important it is for this to make financial sense, and so that's going to be one of the first things we go over when we get together today at 4 or 6, which time works better for you?

(Insistent seller)

My commission is 6%.

Is your whole goal to save on commission or to net the most amount of money possible?

Exactly, and I know how important it is for you to get top dollar for your property.

→Proceed to Close

I Need to talk to my Spouse:

You should absolutely talk to your (Spouse) because I’d be working for the both of you.

(Name), was your Spouse on board with (Motivation) to begin with?

Ok Great, Im gonna email you information about my team and what we do to get homes sold for top dollar, and I want you guys to write out a list of questions you have for me so we can discuss them when we meet today at 4 or 6, which works better for you?

→Proceed to Close

Video Tutorials:

**How To Set 1-4 Listing Appointments per Day**

**Setting 5 Appointments in 1 Hour**